Episode 462 – From Nigel Ogden’s Archive: In Conversation

On this week’s show Nigel Ogden is back in his archive where the focus is on conversation and music!

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Music Played

Pack Up Your Troubles/Thunder And Lightening PolkaDouglas ReeveDome Brighton

4/40 Hill Norman and Beard ‘Christie’
Concert Recording (CR-0020)1967
Phantom BrigadeDoreen ChadwickGaumont Manchester

4/14 Wurlitzer
Audicord (ACD216)1990
SylviaEddie RuhierHammond X5Eddie Ruhier Recordings
Variations On B.B.C.William DaviesTrocadero Elephant and Castle, London

4/21 Wurlitzer
BBC Records (REC 349)1979
Our Love AffairSidney TorchOpera House, Blackpool

3/13 Wurlitzer
Sterndale Records (STE 1005)1996
Boo HooReginald DioxnTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/13 Wurlitzer
Sterndale Records
(STE 3100)
The Wedding Of The Painted DollReginald DioxnTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/14 Wurlitzer
Columbia Records (SCX 1587)1964