Episode 480 – Famous Names

On this week’s show John Leeming focuses on famous theatre organ names of the past.

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Music Played

I Do Like to Be beside the SeasideReginald DixonTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/14 Wurlitzer
Private recording (John Leeming archive/BBC)1963
September in the Rain/I Saw a Ship a-Sailing By/The Love Bug Will Bite YouReginald DixonTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/13 Wurlitzer
Sterndale Records (STE3101)2001
Our Love Affair/Now I Lay Me Down to Dream/All Over the PlaceReginald FoortFoort Touring Organ

5/27 Möller
Piping Hot Recording Company (PH2006)2000
It’s a Lovely Day Tomorrow/ Who’s Taking You Home Tonight?/Somewhere Over the RainbowSandy MacphersonBBC St George’s Hall

4/25 Compton
EMI World Records (SH385)1980
Wedding of the Rose; To a Wild Rose/Rose in the Bud/Love’s Garden of Roses/Only a Rose/Roses from the SouthQuentin MacleanTrocadero, Elephant and Castle

4/21 Wurlitzer
Sterndale Records (STE1001)1991
Looking Around Corners for YouSidney TorchRegal, Kingston-upon-Thames

3/12 Wurlitzer
Sterndale Records (STE1005)1996
Two Sleepy PeopleJoseph SealRegal, Kingston-upon Thames

3/12 Wurlitzer
Private recording (COS Archive/BBC)1961
That Lovely WeekendDudley SavageABC, Plymouth

3/8 Compton
Perfect Partners Records (PP001CD)2008
Goodnight My LoveRobin RichmondGranada, Welling

3c/8 Wurlitzer
Private recording (COS Archive/Geoff Day)1974
I Do Like to Be beside the SeasideReginald DixonTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/13 Wurlitzer
Sterndale Records (STE3100)2001

Episode 463 – Animal

This week Damon takes you on a musical trip to the zoo!

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Music Played

Samba: The ParrotErnest BroadbentTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/14 Wurlitzer
One-UP/EMI (OU 2171)1977
Suite From The Carnival Of The Animals – The Elephant David Harris & Jelani EddingtonLittle River Studio, Miller, Whichita

3/19 Wurlitzer
RJE Productions2005
The Elephant’s TangoDouglas ReeveGaumont Manchester

4/14 Wurlitzer
Acorn Records (CF 255)1974
Little Red MonkeyJohn MannTony Manning Residence, Farnborough

3/7 Christie
Grosvenor Records (GRS1114)1981
Monkey On A StringWalt StronyAuditorium Theatre, Rochester NY

4/22 Wurlitzer
ATOS 20192019
Penguin’s PlaytimeNigel OgdenFree Trade Hall, Manchester

4/20 Wurlitzer
OS Digital (OS201)1993
FamingoJim RoseveareWiltern Theatre Los Angeles CA

4/37 Kimball
Cambria Master Recordings (CD1040)1996
Alligator CrawlRobinson CleaverGranada, Tooting London

4/14 Wurlitzer
Musique Records2015
At The Panda’s PartySidney TorchGaumont State, Kilburn

4/16 Wurlitzer
Piping Hot (PH2007)2013
Tiger RagReginald DixonTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/14 Wurlitzer
Starline (EMI Records)(MRS5056)1971

Episode 462 – From Nigel Ogden’s Archive: In Conversation

On this week’s show Nigel Ogden is back in his archive where the focus is on conversation and music!

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Music Played

Pack Up Your Troubles/Thunder And Lightening PolkaDouglas ReeveDome Brighton

4/40 Hill Norman and Beard ‘Christie’
Concert Recording (CR-0020)1967
Phantom BrigadeDoreen ChadwickGaumont Manchester

4/14 Wurlitzer
Audicord (ACD216)1990
SylviaEddie RuhierHammond X5Eddie Ruhier Recordings
Variations On B.B.C.William DaviesTrocadero Elephant and Castle, London

4/21 Wurlitzer
BBC Records (REC 349)1979
Our Love AffairSidney TorchOpera House, Blackpool

3/13 Wurlitzer
Sterndale Records (STE 1005)1996
Boo HooReginald DioxnTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/13 Wurlitzer
Sterndale Records
(STE 3100)
The Wedding Of The Painted DollReginald DioxnTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/14 Wurlitzer
Columbia Records (SCX 1587)1964

Episode 460 – Hi-Speed Organ

On this week’s show John Leeming turns back the clock to the world of 78rpm records with this nostalgic show.

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Music Played

A Great Big Bunch of You//Pagan Moon/Too Many TearsSidney TorchLoew’Regal, Marble Arch

4/36 Christie
Columbia Records (DB819)
Just Humming Along Quentin MacleanTrocadero, Elephant and Castle

4/21 Wurlitzer
Columbia Records (DB821)1932
ABC March Reginald FoortBBC Theatre Organ #1

4/23 Compton
HMV Records (BD424)1937
Can’t We Talk It Over?/Now That You’ve GoneHarold RamsayGranada, Tooting

4/12 Wurlitzer
Decca Records (F2951)1932
Moonlight Dance Ena BagaNew Gallery Cinema, London

2/8 Wurlitzer
HMV Records (B3385)1930
The Teddy Bears’ Picnic Donald ThorneGranada, Clapham Junction

3/8 Wurlitzer
Decca Records (F6848)1938
Fairy on the Clock Charles and
Harold Smart
EMI Studio

3/8 Compton + Hammond
Parlophone Records (R3505)1952
Twelfth Street RagThe New OrganoliansHammond Columbia Records (FB2850)1943
Tiger Rag Bobby PaganEMI Studio

3/8 Compton
HMV Records (BD775)1939

Episode 434 – Melotone Magic

On this week’s show John Leeming has an all Compton show – specifically featuring Comptons with a Melotone Unit.

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Music Played

Happy Days Are Here AgainUnknownUnknownTheatre Projects Sound Libraryc1960
Love Walked InRon CurtisGrays State Theatre

3/6 Compton
Dene Records (DKA9242)1992
WaveDavid ShepherdThe Plough, Great Munden

3/11 Compton
Tonawanda Sound (TWS1001)1974
We’re in the Money/I’ve Got to Sing a Torch SongGerald ShawOdeon Leicester Square, London

5/17 Compton
COS Archives (BBC)1966
In the Still of the Night Sidney TorchEMI Studio No 1, London

3/8 Compton
Columbia Records (FB1932)1938
Harlem NocturneSimon GledhillSt John Vianney, Clayhall

3/6 Compton
Private recording (JL)2007
Once in a While Al BollingtonParamount, Tottenham Ct Rd

4/10 Compton
Pavilion Records (PAST CD 7052)1994
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Trevor WillettsLyric, Wellingborough

2/5 Compton
Emporio Records (EMPRCD560)1995
I’ll Be Around/Ça C’est Paris Stanley WyllieRitz, Belfast

4/10 Compton
COS Tapes (COS122)1995
Moonlight Becomes YouDudley SavageABC, Plymouth

3/8 Compton
Perfect Partners (PP001CD)2008

Episode 402 – Jeepers Creepers

The music of Harry Warren is the sole feature on this show – he wrote some of the finest music in Hollywood and will forever be associated with master choreographer Busby Berkeley.

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Music Played

’42nd Street’ MedleyLyn LarsenShea’s Buffalo Theatre, Buffalo, New York

4/28 Wurlitzer
Musical Contrasts (MCI-110)1993
September In The RainBuddy ColeBuddy Cole Studio, Hollywood CA

3/27 Wurlitzer-Morton
Warner Bros. Records (WS 1557)1964
Jeepers CreepersArnold LoxamTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/14 Wurlitzer
Grosvenor Records1991
You’ll Never KnowGeorge WrightGeorge Wright Studio Organ, Leslie Factory, Pasadena CA

3/27 Wurlitzer
Essential Records (ERS-01W)1971
Remember Me?Sidney TorchGaumont State, Kilburn

4/16 Wurlitzer
Piping Hot (PH2007)2001
I Know WhySimon GledhillOriental Theatre, Milwaukee WI

4/39 Kimbal
Simon Gledhill & Kimbal Theatre Organ Society (KTOS339)2000
Chattanooga Choo ChooLen RawleTonawanda, Chorleywood

4/24 Wurlitzer
Tonawanda Sound (TWS 1000)1972