Episode 599 – Felicitations!

This week Robert Hope-Jones gets 2025 off to a bright start!

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Music Played

Fascinating Rhythm/Theatre LandStanley WylieRitz Cinema, Belfast

4/10 Compton
Marche LoraineJohn MannGaumont State Theatre, Kilburn

4/16 Wurlitzer
OS DVD 1052004
You Are My SunshineJim RiggsParamount Oakland

4/26 Wurlitzer
Private recording1989
Stella By StarlightThe Three SunsParamount, New York

4/36 Wurlitzer
RCA VICTOR (LPM 133)1953
LiebesfreudLyn LarsenBill Brown Residence, Pheonix

5/34 Wurlitzer
DriftingPeter Mintun & Jim RoseveareParamount Theatre, Oakland

4/37 Wurlitzer
PRCD 10601985
Waltzing In The CloudsStephen VincentYamaha/Virtual Pipe OrganPrivate
For Old Time’s SakeJessie CrawfordWurlitzer Store, Chicago

3/15 Wurlitzer

Episode 592 – To Autumn

This week Robert Hope-Jones is in autumnal mood.

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Music Played

September In The RainJim RiggsBerkeley Art Center

4/18 Wurlitzer
Early AutumnBuddy ColeHammond OrganWarner Brothers (WB 1211)1958
A Foggy DayGeorge WrightFox Theatre, San Francisco

4/36 Wurlitzer
HIFI Records1960
MistyLarry VannucchiParamount Theatre (ex Granada), San Francisco

4/32 Wurlitzer
Another AutumnAshley MillerParamount Theatre, New York

4/36 Wurlitzer
Autumn in New YorkRex KouryOld Town Music Hall, California

4/22 Wurlitzer
ANCR 12-9941971
Autumn NocturnePierre Fracalanza4/50 Paramount virtual theatre pipe organPrivate

Episode 585 – Holbeach Calling

This week John Leeming has an extended show where he focuses on the organ installed in David Shepherds residence.

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Music Played

Coliseum MarchDavid ShepherdDolby House, Holbeach

3m 6 pipe ranks + 5 Electrone stops
Cinema Organ Society (COS 107)1984
Long Ago and Far AwayDavid ShepherdDolby House, Holbeach

3m 6 pipe ranks + 5 Electrone stops
Cinema Organ Society (COS 107)1984
Love for SaleTom HazletonDolby House, Holbeach

3/9 Compton-plus
Private Recording 1987
VanessaSimon GledhillDolby House, Holbeach

3/9 Compton-plus
Cinema Organ Society (COS115)1989
ExperimentRichard HillsDolby House, Holbeach

3/20 Compton-plus
Cinema Organ Society (COS125)2000
My Silent LoveLyn LarsenDolby House, Holbeach

4/22 Compton-plus
Private Recording2000
SiroccoDavid GrayDolby House, Holbeach

4/22 Compton-plus
Private Recording2016
Russian LullabyJim RiggsDolby House, Holbeach

4/22 Compton-plus
Private Recording2004
Together Wherever We GoBarry BakerDolby House, Holbeach

4/22 Compton-plus
Private Recording1997
I Left My Heart at the Stage Door CanteenDudley SavageDolby House, Holbeach

4/22 Compton-plus
Private Recording2002
The Flat Foot Floogie with the Flaw FlawMark HermanDolby House, Holbeach

4/22 Compton-plus
Private Recording2022
All Strings and Fancy FreeDavid ShepherdDolby House, Holbeach

4/22 Compton-plus
Private Recording1996
Runaway Rocking HorseSimon Gledhill (organ) and Richard Hills (piano and Dulcimer)Dolby House, Holbeach

4/22 Compton-plus
Private Recording2015

Episode 583 – Entwinement

This week Robert Hope-Jones intertwines piano and organ.

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Music Played

East of the SunBryan RodwellGranada Theatre, Tooting

4/14 Wurlitzer
Hello BluebirdJim Riggs & Vincent LopezLittle River Studio, Miller, Wichita

3/19 Wurlitzer
Jim Riggs Records2006
Moonlight On the GangesJim Roseveare & Peter MintunOhio Theatre in Columbus, Ohio

4/26 Robert Morton and piano
Time and Time AgainRalph Wolf & Rob RichardsNethercutt Collection, San Sylmar, CA

Bosendorfer grand, 4/70 Wurlitzer
BabaluKorla PanditHammond, PianoDJV-012-22007
StardustPierre FracalanzaParamount Organ Works 332Private2011
Limehouse BluesEverett Nourse & Frank DenkeRodgers 36-E, Model O SteinwayDoric 14021971
Canyon CaballeroSimon Gledhill & Richard HillsDolby House, Lincolnshire

4/22 Compton hybrid, Steinway Piano
My IdealJohnny DuffyUnspecified Organ/ Mason & Hamlin grand pianoEdison Int. SDL 1011959

Episode 580 – Sunshine

This week Damon features tracks of a sunny nature.

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Music Played

Powder Your Face With SunshineStanley TudorGaumont Manchester

4/14 Wurlitzer
Deroy Records
(Deroy 845)
You Are The Sunshine Of My LifeMatthew RossRegal Uxbridge, London

2/5 Compton
Private Recording1975
My Sunshine Is YouJim RiggsParamount Oakland CA

4/27 Wurlitzer
RTR Productions
Sunshine TangoBobby PaganRitz Richmond

3/8 Wurlitzer
Private Recording1968
On The Sunny Side Of The StreetJohn AtwellCapri Theatre, Adelaide

4/15 Wurlitzer
Dancing In The SunGeorge BlackmoreOrgan Power No. 2 San Diego CA

5/27 Möller
Doric Recordings
(DO (Q) 1503)
I Got The Sun In The MorningMichael WooldridgeTown Hall Clydebank

3/13 Wurlitzer
Merlin Productions (MP107)2003
Parade Of The SunbeamsWilliam DaviesGranada Tooting

4/14 Wurlitzer
BC Records
(REC 72M)
The Sunshine Of Your SmileReginald DixonTower Ballroom, Blackpool

3/14 Wurlitzer
Private Recording1964
Painting The Clouds With SunshineRichard HillsSanfilippo Music Salon, Barrington Hills IL

5/80 Wurlitzer
ATOS 20232023

Episode 574 – Summer Repose

This week Robert Hope-Jones presents music for a lethargic summers day.

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Music Played

Lazy AfternoonJohn Seng, Bobby HackettLoderhose studio
ex-Paramount NY studio Wurlitzer

4/36 Wurlitzer
Time on My HandsDudley SavageABC Royal Cinema, Plymouth

3/10 Compton
Lazy DayJim RiggsPasadena City College

3/23 Wurlitzer
Gonna Be Another Hot DayJohn MuriSix-Mile-Uptown Theatre, Michigan

3/11 Wurlitzer
Muri-cord S-1
That Summer That SundayBryan RodwellOdeon Leeds

3/19 Wurlitzer
The Summer KnowsChris McPheeSouth Bank University, London

4/24 Wurlitzer
Wake Up And LiveRichard HillsDavid Shepherd residence

4/22 Compton/Hybrid
ATOS Unconventional Convention2021

Episode 573 – Double Jim

This week Damon features tracks from two well know Jims, both once house organists at the Paramount, Oakland

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Music Played

King Kong MarchJim RoseveareParamount Oakland CA

4/27 Wurlitzer
Private Recording (Dick Clay)1983
Once In A WhileJim RiggsGranada Theatre, Kansas City KS

3/21 Barton
RTR Productions (RTC105CD)1991
Blue TwilightJim RoseveareOriental Theatre, Portland OR

3/13 Wurlitzer
Gamba Records (JI01-R)1966
Her Name Is MaryJim RiggsParamount Oakland CA

4/27 Wurlitzer
Melody Masters (MLM 107)1993
Zing! Went The Strings Of My HeartPeter Mintun and Jim RoseveareParamount Oakland CA

4/27 Wurlitzer
Premier Recordings (PRCD 1060)1997
Pop! Goes Your HeartJim RiggsMacy’s Greek Hall, Philidelphia, PA

2/8 Wurlitzer
DSP Recordings2013
Guess Who I Saw TodayJim RoseveareParamount Oakland CA

4/27 Wurlitzer
Private Recording (Dick Clay)1983
You Don’t Like It – Not MuchJim RiggsGranada Theatre, Kansas City KS

3/21 Barton
RTR Productions (RTC105CD)1991

Episode 558 – Theatre Organ Forecast

This week Robert Hope-Jones gives us the shipping theatre organ forecast!

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Music Played

Sailing ByPhil KelsallTechnics SX-FA1Grasmere Records (GRCD78)1996
I Still Get a Thrill Thinking of YouJim RiggsAssembly Hall, Worthing

3/22 Wurlitzer
Private Recording2012
PrimeroDouglas ReeveDome Brighton

4/40 Hill Norman and Beard ‘Christie’
Concert Recording OR Crystal Records (CR-0020 OR CRY 3002)1967

Yer, Yer
Reginald Porter-BrownForum Cinema, Southampton

3/10 Compton 
The Touch of Your LipsBryan Rodwell with Harold C Gee – ViolinSouthampton Guildhall

4/50 Compton
TOEnc Archive1967
Manhattan/Tea for Two/Time on my HandsDudley Savage
ABC Cinema, Plymouth

3/8 Compton
Autumn LeavesNigel OgdenChurch Of St Mary, Lowe House, St. Helens

3/11 Christie
TOEnc Recording2021
Boom!Charles SmittonOdeon Cinema, Manchester

4/20 Wurlitzer
TOEnc Archive1967
Little Shepherd/How Beautiful is the NightStanley WyllieRitz Belfast

4/10 Compton
TOEnc Archive1956

Episode 534 – Big Band Mode

This week Robert Hope-Jones celebrates the big band sounds of the mighty!

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Music Played

Holiday for StringsMonty Kelly Orchestra & Buddy ColeBuddy Cole Studio, California

3/27 Rank Wurlitzer/Robert Morton
Alshire International (S-5288)1965
Oh! Lady Be GoodBryan RodwellGranada Clapham Junction

3/8 Wurlitzer
Private Recording
Don’t Blame MeJim RiggsDolby House, Holbeach

4/23 Compton/hybrid
Private Recording
Ac-cen-tu-ate the PositiveLew WilliamsOrgan Stop

4/33 Wurlitzer
Private Recording
Take the A TrainMichael WooldridgeRegal Edmonton

4/15 Christie
COS Tapes (COS106)1984
DreamBobby Hackett/Johnny SengRichard Loderhouse Studio NY

4/37 Wurlitzer
Oh! I Do Like to be Beside the Sea SideBryan Rodwell & the Sounds of BrassSouth Bank University

4/24 Wurlitzer
Private Recording

Episode 532 – An American in Britain

This week John Leeming focuses on American organists on British organs

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Music Played

This Could Be the Start of Something BigLyn LarsenOpera House, Blackpool

3/13 Wurlitzer
Private recording (Tom Herd/TOEnc archive)1977
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes/I Won’t DanceDennis JamesRegal, Edmonton

4/14 Christie
Private Recording (John Leeming)1982
Love Me or Leave MeTom HazletonGranada, Walthamstow

3/12 Christie
Private Recording (John Leeming)1988
Two Sleepy PeopleLew WilliamsTown Hall, Watford

3/13 Compton
Private Recording (John Leeming)1990
It’s Only a Paper MoonDan BellomySouth Bank University, London

4/24 Wurlitzer
Private Recording (John Leeming)2003
Deep NightJim RiggsSouth Bank University, London

4/24 Wurlitzer
Love for SaleWalt StronyDolby House, Holbeach

4/22 Compton-plus
Private Recording (David Shepherd)2019
CherokeeGeorge WrightGaumont State, Kilburn

4/16 Wurlitzer
Private Recording1978