This week Damon features the sounds of Pizza parlour organs – Including a track from Zach Frames new CD!
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Music Played
In The Mood | Lew Williams | Organ Stop Pizza, Mesa AZ 3/23 Wurlitzer | Organ Stop Pizza (OSP 106) | 1979 |
I’ll Buy That Dream | Bill Vlasak | Paramount Music Palace, Indianapolis IN 4/42 Wurlitzer | WJV Productions,Inc (WJVCD-105) | 1990 |
Tico Tico | Walt Strony | Organ Stop Pizza, Pheonix AZ 4/31 Wurlitzer | Organ Stop Pizza (OSP-8) | |
Our Love Is Here To Stay | Tom Hazleton | Cap’ns Galley Pizza Parlour, Redwood City CA 4/18 Wurlitzer | Arkay Records (AR14050) | |
Chattanooga Choo Choo | Ron Rhode | Organ Stop Pizza, Mesa AZ 3/23 Wurlitzer | Roxy Productions (RP-107 CD) | 1994 |
As Time Goes By | Charlie Balogh | Organ Stop Pizza, Mesa AZ 4/73 Wurlitzer | ERB Enterprises (ERB112) | 2001 |
The Final Countdown | Zach Frame | Organ Piper Muisc Palace, Milwaukee WI 3/30 Kimbal/Wurlitzer | C-2 Productions LLC (op0002) | 2024 |