Episode 598 – New Year

This week Damon starts off with a track from a new Christmas album, which is followed by two vintage editions of the organist entertains.

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Music Played

The Man With The BagNathan & Claire AvakianSanfilippo Music Salon, Barrington Hills IL

5/80 Wurlitzer
Avakian Create Works, LLC (709-03 CD)2024
a) Little Linda
b) Feelings
c) Snow Ride (Allen)/White Christmas/Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Jerry AllenLowery PromenadeNTO Archive1980
a) Blaze Away
b) When You’re Smiling/Who Were You With Last Night/Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
c) Dance Of The Icicles
d) While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks/Away In A Manger/Good King Wenceslas
George Blackmore BBC Playhouse Manchester

3/13 Wurlitzer
NTO Archive1980
Blaze Away/Don’t Blame MeRobin RichmondPizza & Pipes Restaurant

3/17 Wurlitzer
John Smallwood Archive1978
Kansas City BluesDick SchrumPizza & Pipes Restaurant

3/17 Wurlitzer
John Smallwood Archive1978
Blue Star/Valse LenteRobin RichmondCalvary Temple Church Seattle

3m Wurlitzer
John Smallwood Archive1978
What Kind Of Fool Am I? Dick SchrumPizza & Pipes Restaurant

3/17 Wurlitzer
John Smallwood Archive1978
Fine And DandyRobin RichmondPizza & Pipes Restaurant

3/17 Wurlitzer
John Smallwood Archive1978
I Give My Heart/Can’t We Talk It OverRobin RichmondCalvary Temple Church Seattle

3m Wurlitzer
John Smallwood Archive1978
Leicester Square RagRobin RichmondPizza & Pipes Restaurant

3/17 Wurlitzer
John Smallwood Archive1978